My Fav Image - Kamera Mag 3/2022Tuesday 8/23/22, time 4:03 PM The Finnish Kamera-lehti (Camera Mag) 3/2022 published an article about me and my circus images in their series Mielikuvani - My Fav Image under the title Elämä on yhtä sirkusta (Life is a Circus.) My fav image presents Michelle Musser the Clown performing with Circus Finlandia in 2918. Text and my foto: Juha Laitalainen. |
Keywords: My Fav Image, Kamera-lehti, Kamera Mag, Circus Finlandia |
Circus in FinlandSunday 9/13/20, time 11:53 PM I have always been a great fan of circus. It all begun when me and my kid brother hadn't even started school yet. Our Mum took us to a circus which had come to our home town Kuopio in Finland. We saw lions, dogs, horses and one Indian elephant doing their act with their trainer or tamer behind his or her whip. Nowadays there are no wild animals in circuses in Finland. That's the law. I believe that's ok. Lions belong to Africa. There's one image though that will stay in my mind forever. A trapeze act is an essential part of any circus. In 1960's there were no safety nets in circuses. That first ever evening at the circus there was this already a bit elderly German couple with their only son in his twenties. The son flew through the air and his parents kept watching him closely at the same time taking care of the ropes that controlled the trapeze bars. Suddenly the son couldn't catch the bar coming towards him and he came down almost head first and thudded on the sawdust. The poor mother run screaming to his son and started caressing gently his back with her hand. Soon we heard the ambulance. The paramedics did their act and in no time the ambulance headed to the hospital with the whole family in it. The circus band started playing again and the ringmaster announced the next performance. The show must go on! Circus in Finland Series - Click here: Circus in Finland The Pictorial Mag No. 96 published a long article The Show Must Go On on my circus images together with an interview - Click here: The Show Must Go On |
Keywords: circus in Finland, circus, sirkus Filandia, sirkus florentino, sirkus Caliba, finland, Suomi, Simo Väisänen, SimoVaisanen |
Home Sweet Home SeriesWednesday 11/13/19, time 9:32 PM - Simo Väisänen Finally something new. Added my latest photo series Home Sweet Home to my album. We all seem to know what real estate ads and especially their images look like. Of course there are as many photographers as real estate agents but in most cases home ads show us homes and houses that are styled for sale and look spick-and-span. Home Sweet Home Series - click here: Home Sweet Home
Keywords: home sweet home, home, Finland, art photography |
A Night at the CircusThursday 11/27/14, time 9:41 AM Circus Florentino on tour in Mikkeli, Finland. 10th June 2014 |
Keywords: circus, Circus Florentino, Finland, photo essay |
Crush the Castle - Destruction PleasureFriday 8/15/14 The internet is full of intructions on how to build a perfect sand castle. If, however, you happen to be a small child that's not the point. I mean building a sand castle. The joy of crushing one afterwards is most certainly more fun and I should say a built-in feature in all of us. At least when we are small. |
Keywords: photo essay, Crush the Castle, Finland |
Make Hay While the Sun ShinesSaturday 7/12/14 - Simo Väisänen Finland shares an old European tradition. Every day of the year is someone's Name Day which is celebrated in the same way you celebrate your birthday. July 12 is for 'Hermanni' i.e. 'Herman' in English or 'Hermann' in German. In olden days July 12 meant it's time to make hay. The work was usually done in big work parties as voluntary work. The working bee below gathered to celebrate and commemorate 'Hermannin heinäpäivä' or 'Herman's Hay Day' in Mikkeli, Finland in 2013. |
Keywords: photo essay, Finland, Hermannin heinäpäivä, Herman's Hay Day |
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